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   Asia is composed of about 50 countries whose levels of the gross domestic product (GDP) per person are diverse and ranging from low- to high-income countries. In high-income countries (HICs) in Asia like Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, UAE and Taiwan, the cure rate of pediatric cancers is nearly 80%, while that in low- and lower-middle income countries (LMICs) in Asia is still 10e30%.  The causes of such poor outcome in LMICs include failure in establishing diagnose, misdiagnosis, abandonment of therapy, treatment-related death, and high relapse rate. In 2018, World Health Organization (WHO) declared that this kind of inequality should not be present, and that the cure rate of childhood cancer on earth should be increased up to more than 60% by 2030, which is named as “WHO Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer” .  

   The initial founders of International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) decided to form Pediatric Oncology Club in 1967 and the first SIOP meeting was held in 1969 in Madrid, Spain. There were 28 founding members and they forest up the constitution.  SIOP has six continental branches, Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania and South America, among which Asia is the largest and accounts for more than 60% of world population.  However, since SIOP or SIOP Asia is an academic society, it needs an execution arm to conduct clinical studies and implement changes in standard of care in order to achieve the goal of WHO Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer in Asia. Therefore, to activate APHOG as one of the two wheels of a cart with SIOP Asia is required. Similar scenario has been observed in SIOP Europe where various study groups are derived from the original SIOP network such as SIOPEN (neuroblastoma), SIOPEL (liver cancers), etc.


a non-political,
non-profit making organization

connecting and helping

all pediatric hematology and oncology

professionals & patients

in the Asian region

​improving the diagnosis and treatment of childhood cancers

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